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我正在同北京大学心理系何老师合作,开展职业倦怠(job burnout)课题的研究。这项研究的背景是这样的:在北京某三甲医院对医生和护士共712人进行了三个量表的测查:stress + depression + burnout, 同时检测了其中245例人员的三个基因型的5个多态性:corticotrophin-releasing hormone receptor 1(CRHR1),FK506 binding protein 5(FKBP5),brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF)。研究结果发现:FKBP5的两个基因多态性rs1360780和rs3800373, 以及BDNF的一个多态性rs10835210与depression评分相关。何老师的研究生不久前完成了一篇论文的写作,请看下面的题目 + 摘要。

Abstract:Genetic polymorphisms of FKBP5 and BDNF but not CRHR1 genes are associated with job-related depression in a Chinese Han population.

Objective:Job depression is a common mental disorder caused by stress and genetic factors, characterized by dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. However, genetic variants associated with job-related depression have not been identified. 

Methods:To examine whether corticotrophin-releasing hormone receptor 1 (CRHR1), FK506 binding protein 5 (FKBP5), and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) are susceptibility genes for job-related depression, we investigated 5 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs110402 and rs242924 for CRHR1, rs1360780 and rs3800373 for FKBP5, and rs10835210 for BDNF) in 245 doctors and nurses from a tertiary referral hospital in Beijing. The House and Rizzo’s Work Stress Scale and the Zung’s Self-rating Depression Scale were administered. Results: We found that participants homozygous for the major alleles of rs1360780 and rs3800373 in FKBP5 gene had significantly lower depression scores than minor allele carriers. Compared to A allele carriers, participants with the CC genotype of rs10835210 in BDNF gene had higher depression scores. 

Conclusion: Our results suggest an association of the FKBP5 and BDNF gene polymorphisms with job-related depression.


我读完这篇文章,进行了深入思考,考虑如下:以本文目前的形式,即使把三个基因5个SNP放到一篇文章里,因为depression与基因型关系的文章太多了,而且本研究中样本量小(n=245),很难发表,或者只能发表影响因子<2分的杂志上。目前基因型的研究,要求至少是600例以上,比如发表精神疾病遗传学研究的杂志:American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics。



  • 这篇文章至少可以先分成3篇文章,每个基因单独去写。( 那你们可能会问,这样一来,不是更难发表了?或者只能发表在更低的杂志上?)
  • 因为抑郁症与基因型的文章太多了,本文只有245例被试有基因型资料,所以不能像本文这样去发表depression与基因型的关系的文章,需要换个角度、换个思路。那么如何换思路? 从哪个角度呢?
  • 本文的被试来自北京一所三甲医院的医生和护士,我们知道,他们的抑郁是来自长期的工作压力stress导致的。那么这篇文章就可以这么去分析:首先,job-related stress导致的抑郁,其次“stress + 基因型的交互作用”导致的抑郁,即工作和环境的应激 + 自身的遗传因素,导致抑郁症状。从这个角度,水平一下子升高很多,这三篇文章就都能发表到3分以上的杂志。如果结果理想的话,文章可以发表4分,或5分以上的杂志上。

另外,利用本组资料,我们最近刚刚完成了另一篇文章Serotonin transporter gene (5HTT) rs6354 polymorphism, job-related stress, and their interaction in burnout in a Chinese Han population.内容如下:

Abstract:Serotonin transporter gene (5HTT) rs6354 polymorphism, job-related stress, and their interaction in burnout in a Chinese Han population.

Objective: Many studies have reported that long-term exposure to job-related stress can lead to burnout, which may be influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Burnout correlates with depression. It is well known that the serotonin system dysfunction plays a central role in the etiology of depression; especially a functional polymorphism in the promoter region of the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) gene was found to moderate the influence of stressful life events on depression. This study investigated whether one tag polymorphism rs6354 in 5-HTT gene modulated the influence of job-related stressful on burnout in the medical professions in a Chinese Han population, which to our best knowledge, has not been explored. 

Methods: Using a cross-sectional design, 712 healthy subjects were recruited from a general hospital and they were all measured for depressive symptoms using the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), and the environmental stress using the House and Rizzo’s Work Stress Scale. The 5-HTT rs6354 polymorphism was genotyped in 376 subjects. 

Results:  The majority of correlations between the stress total or its 6 subscale scores and 3 burnout subscale scores were significant (p<0.05~p<0.001), except for only one correlation. There was no significant main effect of the 5-HTT rs6354 genotype on depressive symptoms, while individuals carrying the G allele (G/G and G/T) had lower stressor 3 score than those homozygous for the T allele (p=0.033). Interestingly, the interaction between the job-related stress and the 5-HTT rs6354 genotype was significant (F=5.08, df=1, 374, p=0.007); individuals with TT genotype showed a greater susceptibility to both the detrimental effects of higher stress and the beneficial effects of lower stress compared to the those with G allele. 

Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the TT genotype of 5-HTT rs6354 polymorphism may modulate the influence of job-related stress on burnout by adjusting serotonin transporter function and neurotransmission, providing the support for the differential-susceptibility hypothesis. 

思路与上述类似,探讨“stress + 基因型的交互作用”对职业倦怠的作用,那么大家应该能想到下一步如何去分析资料、如何去写文章了吧?

是的,同样的分析和思路,探讨“stress + 此三个基因型”对职业倦怠的作用,那么又能写出三篇文章出来,而且应该是每篇都在3分以上。


  1. 职业倦怠的研究在国际上尚处于起步阶段,尤其是来自中国汉族人群的研究较少;
  2. 本文采用精神医学比较热门的研究观点G×E, 即基因 + 环境的交互作用,对精神症状的影响。所以发表3分以上的文章应该是很保守的估计了。只可惜本研究中只有40% 左右的被试检测了基因型,否则的话,应该比较容易发表更高分的文章。



  • 模仿刚刚完成的这篇文章: “5HTT rs6354 + stress interaction in burnout”,把burnout改成depression即可。
  • 另外可以继续去写新的三篇文章:“三个基因型:FKBP5,BDNF,CRHR1 + stress interaction in burnout”


“什么?还能写文章? 没完没了吗?”


且听我娓娓道来:我们知道,医院的工作性质和环境造成stress,长期的stress导致了抑郁症状和工作倦怠,现在有观点认为burnout是depression的一部分或者属于一个谱系。也有的观点认为,两组虽然有交叉,但是不同的疾病。那么根据这些观点,我们利用收集的资料就可以继续分析这三者之间的关系:stress —> depression + burnout,然后再与三个基因型分别进行interaction分析,即判断:stress + 基因型interaction更易导致burnout?还是depression? 它们四者之间的相关关系如何? 目前尚未报道。基本上可以说,每个基因型,又是一篇文章。





我们知道,基因与基因之间也存在着interaction,现在基因型 + 基因型交互作用也是精神疾病的热门研究,这一点做精神疾病基因研究的同道们应该更清楚。比如本研究中,BDNF与5HTT,CRHR1,FKBP5可能存在交互作用,虽然我们现在还不知道本研究中的这些基因型之间是否存在交互作用,但有这种可能,等待我们去分析。这样一来,如果再结合“stress + interacted基因型(基因型interaction的两两组合)interaction”,又是好几篇文章(不止三篇,大家想想)。

到这一步,您也许内心要惊叹了:“这么分析下来,有些恐怖啊! 这么一点儿数据,竟然能写出这么多好文章,有些不敢相信了!”


“什么? 还能再写文章吗?” 





对头,就是gender difference或者sex difference。




正如我反复强调的,我们花费了巨大的人力物力财力,耗费了很长的时间,辛辛苦苦才收集起来了一个数据库,如果不能充分利用起来、让它发挥作用,实在可惜。实际上只要敢想、能想,有好思路,就可以把一个数据库反复利用,并去发表系列好文章。怎么才能有好想法、好思路呢?“多读文献 + 多思考 + 多读我以前写的文章”,尤其是这篇文章。


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