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Combining antibiotics with plant sterols that have antibacterial activity is a method of increasing the effectiveness of the antibiotics. In this study, we synthesized  α-spinasterol from commercially available stigmasterol by a novel method in  order to increase its yield, and tested the combination of the α-spinasterol  with ceftiofur in vitro against four strains of pathogenic bacteria. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of stigmasterol, spinasterol and  ceftiofur against Escherichia coli,  Streptococcus pneumoniae CAU0070, Salmonella pullorum cvcc533 and Staphylococcus aureuswere determined with  a tube dilution method. Results showed that MICs of α-spinasterol against the  four pathogenic microorganisms were the same for all (256 µg/ml), or one-half  that of stigmasterol (512 µg/ml), and much greater than the MIC of ceftiofur  (0.125 to 4 µg/ml). The combination of α-spinasterol and ceftiofur were  strongly synergetic against the four bacterial strains; the fractional  inhibitory concentrations on E. coli, S. pneumoniae CAU0070, S. pullorum cvcc533,  and S. aureuswere 0.375, 0.375,  0.533 and 0.5, respectively. In time-kill analyses, at concentrations above the  MICs, ceftiofur exhibited only time-dependency against the four pathogenic  microganisms, whereas ceftiofur in combination with α-spinasterol exhibited  time-dependency and concentration-dependency. We conclude that ceftiofur  combined with α-spinasterol, synthetized from stigmasterol by our method, is  effective against four pathogenic bacterial strains in vitro. Effectiveness of  this combination in vivo deserves investigation.

Background/Aim. Combining  antibiotics with plant sterols that have antibacterial activity is a method of  increasing the effectiveness of the antibiotics. In this study, we synthesized  α-spinasterol from commercially available stigmasterol by a novel method in  order to increase its yield.
Methods. The minimum  inhibitory concentration of stigmasterol, spinasterol and ceftiofur againstEscherichia coli, Streptococcus  pneumoniae CAU0070, Salmonella pullorum cvcc533  andStaphylococcus aureus were  determined with a tube dilution method.
Results. Minimum  inhibitory concentrations of α-spinasterol against the four pathogenic  microorganisms were the same for all (256 µg/ml), or one-half that of  stigmasterol (512 µg/ml), and much greater than the minimal inhibitory concentration  of ceftiofur (0.125 to 4 µg/ml).  The combination of α-spinasterol and ceftiofur were strongly synergetic against  the four bacterial strains; the fractional inhibitory concentrations on E. coli, S. pneumoniae CAU0070, S. pullorum cvcc533, andS. aureus were 0.375, 0.375, 0.533 and  0.5, respectively. In time-kill analyses, at concentrations above the minimum  inhibitory concentrations, ceftiofur exhibited only time-dependency against the  four pathogenic microganisms, whereas ceftiofur in combination with  α-spinasterol exhibited time-dependency and concentration-dependency.
Conclusions. Ceftiofur combined  with α-spinasterol, synthetized from stigmasterol by our method, is effective  against four pathogenic bacterial strains in vitro.  Effectiveness  of this combination in vivo deserves investigation.







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