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我在前面的几篇文章里,谈到如何写一个好的Title,实际上,Abstract比Title更重要。当我们投稿文章给某个杂志时,主编/副主编以及审稿人首先就是看Title + Abstract,我自己已经审稿太多的文章了,也是这种经验,就是看Title + Abstract,然后大体上就能判断出一篇文章做的什么样的研究,有什么新发现,达到什么样的水平,是否符合这个杂志的水平和要求等。也就是说,基本上能判处这篇文章的生死了, 所以说Abstract非常关键。

另外,我们知道投稿和参加国际会议,也是要求投稿Abstract,很多国际会议都有针对青年学者们的Travel Award 和各种奖项,给予的奖金足够我们年轻的学者们去参加国际会议,而且还常常找一些大牛教授做mentor。拿到国际会议奖,对以后申报基金和晋升作用很大,甚至比发表SCI文章的意义更大,鼓励大家多去申报啊!而评奖的依据是什么? 主要就是投稿会议的Abstract,可见写出一个很好的Abstract意义多么重大了! 顺便说一下:我自己曾获得7次国际会议奖,帮助同事和学生拿到5个,所以才有机会去了很多国家和地区,尤其是第一次去英国开会(大概是1997年,那时候出国很难),对我以后的发展影响巨大。再次鼓励大家写出很好的Abstract,多去申报国际会议奖!

大家在写好一篇文章后,一定要反复琢磨Title + Abstract,每一句话都要反复修改。我的经验是:写好整篇文章后,最后再写Abstract。因为经过艰辛地写全文后,就能知道本文的新颖性、重点,尤其是主要结果是什么,最终做出什么样的结论。


  1. 单纯的临床研究
  2. 生物学指标
  3. 系统之间的交互作用
  4. 治疗前后临床疗效+生物学指标


Abstract一般分两种:结构式和非结构式。结构式包括四个部分:一)Objective,Background,Aims,Purposes;二)Methods;三)Results;四)Conclusions。 非结构式就是把这些部分写在一起,作为一整段。每个杂志的要求不同,请根据投稿的杂志去写摘要。



一般情况是小规模的流行病学调查,比如精神疾病吸烟、自杀、伴发的糖尿病、肥胖等情况,这里面牵涉到是发病率、相关的临床危险因素等调查。在这种情况下,本文研究的主要是方向是prevalence,clinical correlates和risk factors等,针对这些内容,如何去写一个Abstract呢?




背景和目的是这么写的:“Obesity is a common comorbidity in schizophrenia. Few studies have addressed obesity in Chinese schizophrenia patients. The aims of this current study were to evaluate the prevalence, risk factors and clinical correlates of obesity in Chinese patients with schizophrenia”。

说明:这样写的比较中规中矩、直截了当。对于这样一个临床研究,第一句就是高度概括精神分裂症的肥胖情况(common comorbidity),第二句话是在中国人群中的情况,暗示了本研究的新颖性(few studies),第三句明确说明本临床研究的目的是:调查精神分裂症合并肥胖的发病率、危险因素和临床相关因素。


背景和目的是这么写的:The high prevalence of suicide in schizophrenia may be related to its demographic and clinical characteristics. Because suicide prevalence and its associations with clinical variables are less well characterized in Chinese than European patients with schizophrenia, we assessed the suicide attempts in 520 Chinese inpatients with schizophrenia.

说明:第一句就是高度概括精神分裂症的自杀情况(high prevalence),同时点明本文的主题,即自杀与人临床资料相关。第二句话是在中国人群中的情况,暗示了本研究的新颖性(less well characterized)。第三句明确说明本临床研究的目的是:调查精神分裂症合并自杀的发病率和临床相关因素。


背景和目的是这么写的:The high prevalence of smoking in schizophrenia of European background may be related to smoking’s reducing clinical symptoms and medication side effects. Because smoking prevalence and its associations with clinical phenotypes are less well characterized in Chinese than European patients with schizophrenia, we assessed these smoking behaviors using clinician-administered questionnaires and the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND) in 776 Chinese male schizophrenia and 560 control subjects.

说明:第一句就是高度概括精神分裂症在西方人群中的吸烟情况(high prevalence),并给出病人高吸烟率的可能原因,点明本文的主题。第二句话是在中国人群中的情况,暗示了本研究的新颖性(less well characterized)。第三句明确说明本临床研究的目的是:采用问卷和量表调查中国人群中精神分裂症合并吸烟情况。这个第三句话有些特殊,包括了Methods里的东西。


背景和目的是这么写的:OBJECTIVE: To examine the prevalence and correlates of diabetes in a large sample of Chinese patients with schizophrenia on long-term clozapine treatment, because this population previously has received little systematic study.

说明:同上面的类似,但有些简练,因为Objective下面常常是写半句话,限制了句子数和长度,所以需要精简。To + 动词 (To examine,to investigate,to explore……)。然后可以看出包括本研究在中国人群中的情况,暗示了本研究的新颖性(little systematic study),同时明确说明本临床研究的目的是:长期服用氯氮平的中国人群中精神分裂症合并糖尿病的发病率和临床相关。




Methods是这么写的:A total of 206 patients were recruited from a hospital in Beijing. Their clinical and anthropometric data together with plasma glucose and lipid parameters were collected. Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) was rated for all patients.



Methods是这么写的:We assessed the suicide attempts in 520 Chinese inpatients with schizophrenia. The suicide attempt data were collected from medical case notes and interviews with the patients and their family members. Patients were rated on the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), the Simpson and Angus Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale (SAES), and the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS). Smoking severity was evaluated using clinician-administered questionnaires and the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND).



Methods是这么写的:we assessed these smoking behaviors using clinician-administered questionnaires and the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND) in 776 Chinese male schizophrenia and 560 control subjects. Patients also were rated on the Positive and Negative Symptom Scale (PANSS), the Simpson and Angus Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale (SAES), and the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS).

说明:第一句话明确说明入组病人数和正常组人数(与研究目的合写了),以及吸烟量表FTND。下面一句是采用的几种临床量表评定:PANSS,SAES, AIMS。


Methods是这么写的:Two hundred and six inpatients meeting Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition schizophrenia criteria were recruited in a cross-sectional naturalistic study, and compared with 615 healthy control subjects matched for age, sex, education, and body mass index (BMI). The patient’s psychopathology was assessed using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). Diagnoses of diabetes were established through review of medical records and fasting blood glucose testing, or an oral glucose tolerance test.





Results是这么写的:Overall, 43 (20.9%) patients were obese and 67 (32.5%) were overweight. The obese patients had significantly higher glucose levels, triglyceride levels than non-obese patients. Females and patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus had increased risk for obesity. Correlation analysis showed that BMI was associated with sex, education levels, negative symptoms, total PANSS score, triglyceride levels and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Further stepwise regression analysis showed that sex, type 2 diabetes, education level, triglyceride and amount of smoking/day were significant predictors for obesity.

说明:第一句列出病人肥胖和超重的发病率。第二句是列出肥胖组vs非肥胖组两组间的统计分析结果,肥胖病人组高血糖和甘油三酯,女性和较多的糖尿病。第三句是相关分析结果,说明BMI与性别、教育、PANSS 阴性症状和总分、甘油三酯和糖尿病相关。第四句是多元回归的结果。


Results是这么写的:We found a suicide attempt rate of 9.2% in these schizophrenic inpatients. The attempters were single, had a significantly younger age but more hospitalizations, had higher depressive symptoms, and began smoking at an earlier age, smoked more cigarettes each day and had higher FTND total scores than patients without suicide attempts. The logistic regression analysis also indicated that suicide attempts were associated with the number of hospitalizations, depressive symptoms and FTND total scores.

说明:第一句列出病人自杀率。第二句是列出自杀组vs非自杀组两组间的统计分析结果:自杀组单身、年纪小、住院次数多、抑郁症状严重,首次吸烟年纪较小、每日吸烟支数多,FTND 评分严重。第三句是logistic 分析结果。


Results是这么写的:We found that the schizophrenia patients had a higher lifetime incidence of smoking (79% vs 63%), were more likely to be heavy smokers (61% vs 31%), and had lower smoking cessation rates (4% vs 9%) (all p<0.0001) than controls. Among the schizophrenia patients smoking prevalence increased with age, with the largest difference from controls in the age cohort of 55-75 years: 75% vs 46% (p<0.0001). Among the schizophrenia smokers 73% started to smoke before the onset of their illness by an average of 7.6 years. The patients with schizophrenia who were current smokers scored significantly lower on the PANSS negative symptom subscore (p<0.005), and on the SAES symptom scale (p<0.04; Bonferroni corrected p>0.05) than the non-smoking patients.



Results是这么写的:Diabetes mellitus was more common in patients than in the normal controls (22.3% vs 6.2%) (odds ratio = 4.37, confidence interval (CI) 2.76-6.92, p < 0.001). The prevalence of diabetes increased with age across five age-groups as compared with normal controls (X(2) = 18.0, df = 4, p = 0.001). The PANSS total score and sub-scores showed no differences between the diabetic and non-diabetic groups. Logistic regression in the patients revealed significant associations between diabetes and a family history of diabetes (p < 0.001), age (p < 0.01), and BMI (p < 0.05).

说明:第一句列出病人组和正常组糖尿病发病率。第二句列出糖尿病发病率与年龄的关系。第三句列出糖尿病组vs非糖尿病组两组间的统计分析结果。第四句是logistic 回归结果。




Conclusion是这么写的:Our study showed that the prevalence of obesity in Chinese patients with schizophrenia is higher than that in the general population. Some demographic and clinical variables are risk factors for obesity in schizophrenia.



Conclusion是这么写的:These results suggest that Chinese inpatients with schizophrenia attempt suicide more often than the general population. Further, some demographic and clinical variables are risk factors for suicide attempts in schizophrenia.



Conclusion是这么写的:These results suggest that Chinese males with schizophrenia smoke more frequently than the general population. Further, smokers with schizophrenia may display fewer negative symptoms and possibly less parkinsonism than non-smokers with schizophrenia.



Conclusion是这么写的:Long-term clozapine treatment was associated with an increased and clinically important risk of diabetes mellitus in Chinese chronic schizophrenic patients, which is consistent with previous reports in Western populations.


大家可以看到,这些文章是纯临床研究,就是测查发病率 + 临床量表,相信每个医生都能去做,而且不用花费任何基金,就是说,没有经费同样可以做出精彩课题,发表好SCI文章。所以说做科研、发表SCI论文不是那么难。


  • The prevalence, risk factors and clinical correlates of obesity in Chinese patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res 2016; 251:131-136. 
  • Prevalence, demographic and clinical correlates of suicide attempts in Chinese medicated chronic inpatients with schizophrenia. J Psychiatr Res 2013; 47(10):1370-1375. 
  • Cigarette smoking in male patients with chronic schizophrenia in a Chinese population: prevalenceand relationship to clinical phenotypes. PLoS One 2012;7(2):e30937.
  • The prevalence and clinical-demographic correlates of diabetes mellitus in chronic schizophrenic patients receiving clozapine. Hum Psychopharmacol 2011; 26(6):392-396. 



假如我们有项类似的研究:“重性抑郁障碍肥胖的临床研究”,纳入300例MDD病人,收集了一般临床资料、检测了人体参数和汉密尔顿抑郁量表HADM,结果发现病人组肥胖率为30%, 肥胖者的发病年龄较早,HADM分数较高,同时血糖和甘油三酯水平较高,这种情况下,如何去写这个Abstract呢?  大家感兴趣的话,可以在阅读这篇文章后,自己模仿去写, 看看能写出什么样的Abstract来。 也可以发布到这里来,让大家阅读。



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