撰写与发表英文SCI论文是医学研究生的渴望, 而面临的语言困难常使很多人望而生畏。现将医学生撰写SCI论文常见语言问题做以分析并提供相应的修改建议,以期在语言表达层面提高医学生英文SCI论文的写作水平, 提升其科研能力。
例1:OS is the most important indicator of clinical efficacy end-point for any treatment regimen for long before.
本句中的 for long before 是口语化表达方式,不符合书面语体要求,其中的系表结构, 也有弱化学术性之嫌, 可改为:
OS has long been accepted as the most important indicator of clinical efficacy endpoint for any treatment regimen .
例2:In this study , we included 197 patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer as our sample.
例3:Our aim is to testify the relationship between PFS and OS of patients with advanced NSCLC .
例4 :This study gives us the hint that PFS is more reliable in predicting the effectiveness of first-line chemotherapy .
Altogether 197 patients with advanced non-small cell lung can- cer were included in this study .
The aim is to testify the relationship between PFS and OS of pa- tients with advanced NSCLC .
This study indicates that PFS is more reliable in predicting the effectiveness of first-line chemotherapy .
这样既能表达作者所要表述的内容, 又显露出行文的客观公正性。
例5 :It is maybe because we have ignored some factors, such as… .
在英语中, maybe是个副词, 通常置于动词之前或放于句首, 表示一种可能性, 而because是原因状语从句的引导词, 用直译的方法把这两个根本不能搭界的词似乎“ 通顺”地放在了一起, 形成了只有中国人才能看懂的中式英语。正确翻译如下:Maybe some factors , such as… , have been ignored.
为了避免直译所造成的麻烦,在撰写论文之初,撰稿人应先查阅相关的英语文献,以形成一定的英语思维习惯,掌握英语的表达方式与方法, 并用这样的方法把自己所要传达的内容表述出来,更容易撰写出高质量的SCI学术论文。
例6:PFS is a biological indicator .It can measure tumor burden directly .PFS can accurately and swiftly indicate the survival benefit of their firs-t line therapy .It enables clinicians to modify their treat- ment projects as soon as possible .It has been accepted as a surrogate for OS in advanced cancer.
这段行文由五个简单的句子构成, 放在一起有一种重复而又没有突出重点的感觉, 可以把第二个单句当作同位语, 把第三和第四句合并, 做成非限定性定语从句 , 可改为:
PFS , a biological indicator , which can accurately and swiftly in- dicate the survival benefit of first-line therapy , and thus enables clin- icians to modify their treatment projects as early as possible , has long been accepted as a surrogate for OS in advanced cancer.
修改后的行文一气呵成, 而且突出了 PFS 可用来替代OS这一行文中的重点,可读性更强。
例7 :It has been widely accepted that PFS is a surrogate end point for overall survival in metastasis colorectal cancer.
例8:There are some relevance between initial disease control rate and overall survival .
例7使用了 It 作为形式主语的结构, 例8中的 There be
结构弱化了学术论文应有的严谨性, 分别修改如下:
PFS has been widely accepted as a surrogate end point for over- all survival in metastasis colorectal cancer.
Initial disease control rate correlates with overall survival.
修改后的表达简捷明了, 阅读人一下就了解文章所阐述的中心内容。
根据上述所出现的语言、用语问题及医学生现阶段英语SCI 论文写作的现状, 建议在论文写作之前, 先充分查问相关的英文文献, 关了解相应的英语写作方式与方法, 掌握相关的专业用语, 培养英文思维习惯。在写作的过程中, 首先要正确的使用书面语, 避免使用口头语;其次要恰当的使用连词及连接词, 以确保整个语篇的衔接并突出行文的重点;同时要注意用语及时态的选择, 使之在细节上能够准确传达作者的意图。
非母语写作本身就很有挑战性, 只要医学生在准备学术写作时多多阅读英语文献, 掌握上述的语言技巧并应用到具体的论文写作实践中, 就能在很大的层面上保证其学术论文不在语言的层面上被拒。
——摘自《中国高等医学教育》 医学研究生英文SCI论文写作常见的语言问题分析【刘明鹤 运怀英】